Olark Handbook
Parental Leave - USA

What’s our Policy?
Olark offers up to 12 weeks of fully paid parental leave for birth, bonding, and adoption.
The Why:
Becoming a new parent is such an exciting journey! We want to fully support each Olarker entering into this phase of life.
Fun fact: Did you know that both of our founders took parental leave at the same time, when their children were born a few months apart?
In a Nutshell:
Are you welcoming a new little one into your life? Let us know! We’ll work together with your manager to create a parental leave plan that works best for your needs. You’ll receive full pay and continuation in our benefits program (if enrolled) for 12 weeks. Simple as that!
The Details:
Our parental leave policy is for maternity, paternity, bonding, and/or adoption leaves in the US. Canadian Olarkers have a slightly different policy due to Canadian leave laws.
Our parental leave starts from the day your baby is born (or the adoption is effective) and we count in terms of weeks, not calendar days. You’ll receive 12 weeks of fully paid parental leave, and you can choose to take this all at once, or split it up into a schedule that works best for you and your family.