Agent Commands
Olark commands give agents quick access to useful functions during a chat conversation.
To use a command, type an exclamation point followed by command name, and hit enter. Our system will automatically detect it and do what you want it to do. Don't worry - the visitor you're talking to won't see anything.

These commands can be used in the chat console or in the Olark mobile app for iOS and Android.
Full list of agent commands
- !tag
- !transfer
- !unfollow
- !push
- !block
- !develop
- !name
- !phone
- !transcript
- !case
- !lead
- !end
- !send
- !feedback
- !trigger
- !note
- ![Integration-Name]
Add tags to your conversation. You can use tags to label conversations with keywords or to help find groups of conversations more easily in the future. Tags appear as labels on transcripts and can be configured to appear as labels in your CRM too.
Here at Olark, we're partial to using !tag followup to make sure that we don't drop the ball when a customer needs post-chat follow up from us.
For example: !tag followup
You can even add multiple tags per !tag command: !tag followup sales getting_started
Protip: spaces separate tags. In the example above, the chat transcript would be tagged "followup," "sales," and "getting_started." You can use underscores or dashes if you need a multiple word tag like "getting_started" for example.
Did you forget to use the !tag command during your live chat? You can visit your Transcripts page, click on the transcript that you didn't tag, and add/type in a tag near the top of the transcript.
Transfers a conversation to another agent. If you want a new agent to handle a conversation, type !transfer @username into the chat window. You can also add a message with your transfer, after you type in !transfer, in that same sentence. Make sure you use a space between the !transfer command and the agents username to ensure a complete transfer.
For example: !transfer @agent-joe, can you take this?
Once the chat is accepted by the other agent, you will be notified within the chat. Using Groups? You can also transfer between Groups by using !transfer #groupname.
Lastly, you can also open the chat to any/all available agents using: !transfer. With the general, !transfer command, all other available agents will be notified within their chat clients just like any new chat conversation.
Stop receiving page change notifications for the visitor. Once you use this command, you can't turn page following back on for that chat.
Send a visitor to a different website URL without them needing to click a link. If you send them to another page within your website where Olark is installed, your conversation will continue automatically once the new page loads. If you send them to a page or website that is not associated with your Olark account, the chatbox will not be able to load on that page.
Be careful with this one - you don't want to interrupt anything your visitor might be doing! We recommend warning them before sending them to a different page.
For example: !push
Ignore all messages from a user. Sometimes people are jerks, and it's best to just ignore them. With Olark's !block command, you can ignore a troublesome chatter easily. Just type !block into your chatbox, and you won't receive any more messages from that person for 24 hours or until they clear their cookies/cache (whichever action happens first).
Great for testing out your Olark settings. The visitor will see the results of this command. This allows for some built-in developer tools to show up on the visitor's side of the chat.
It lets you:
- pretend to be a brand new visitor
- pretend this is a new visit to the site
- pretend to change pages
Check out our !develop guide for more tips!
Use this command to remember the name of your visitors. The next time they come to your site, you will have their name ready to go. This means you can offer a much more personal experience for your visitors.
For example: !name Olark Joe
Works just like the !name command, but for the visitor's email address. You'll see this information during a chat, and it will be visible in the chat transcript as well. The !name, !email, and !phone commands may not transfer into your CRM if the visitor has an existing name/email assigned to them and you try to override their existing one.
For example: !email
Works just like the !name command, but is used for the visitor's phone number.
For example: !phone 01234567890
Returns a link for the chat transcript. Link is viewable by all agents on the account.
Pushes the transcript for your chat to all of your connected integrations and provides direct links to them. This command must be typed while the chat is still active for it to work properly. For Salesforce users, this command sends individual transcripts into Salesforce as a case.
For Salesforce users, this command sends individual transcripts into Salesforce as a lead and provides a direct link to the lead. This command must be typed while the chat is still active for it to work properly. For other integrations, this command does the same thing as the !case command.
Sends the visitor a pre-defined message that the chat has ended. If you have a chat limit set through your account settings, it will also free up a chat slot.
You can read more on how this works in our article Ending Chat Conversations.
The !send command allows you to forward a chat transcript via email during a chat conversation with a visitor. In your chat conversation, type one of the following and hit return:
- !send - emails the transcript to the visitor's email (if available)
- !send - emails the transcript to
- !send, - emails the transcript to both email addresses
For a more detailed explanation with notes, read the full help article on using the !send command.
The !feedback command allows you to send a Chat Rating survey to the visitor at anytime during your conversation.
For a more detailed explanation, read the Chat Ratings help guide.
For users that have multiple integrations enabled, using the !trigger command allows them to see a list of enabled integrations.
The !note command allows you to quickly add comments to a conversation. All notes are hidden from visitors. Notes appear inline in the conversation as well as under the Activity tab on the right hand side of the agent chat console. All notes are saved on the transcripts page.
For a more detailed explanation, read the full help article on using the !note command.
Individual integration triggers
For users that have multiple integrations enabled, using the ![integration-name] command allows them to trigger a specific integration. For example using !mailchimp during a chat will only trigger the MailChimp integration if enabled.