Olark Handbook
Handbook Sections
Welcome to the Olark Handbook.
This handbook is a reflection of our values and the approaches of our People Ops team. We wanted to share it with you, whoever you may be — industry peer, potential new hire, and customer alike — so you can get a sense of who we are and what it’s like to work with us.
We care deeply about our people and are committed to our six core values:
#chill #help #assume #make #practice #speak
These hashtags are an Olarker’s call to action sprinkled throughout these pages (and really, everything we do). So, dear reader, please make yourself at home and enjoy the read. Within, you’ll find our practices, traditions, policies… and perks!
Note: A few small details in our handbook are for Olarker eyes only. If you’re a Newlarker (a.k.a. recent hire) trying to access them, let us know!
Our handbook is open-source and free to use provided that you follow the MIT Licensing guidelines.