Olark - Google Analytics Integration
Integrate Olark and Google Analytics to get even more live chat data.

Get More Data About Your Live Chats with Google Analytics and Olark
This Google Analytics integration allows you to get more data from your visitor activity on Olark live chat. For instance, you can create an ecommerce report to see how many sales result from a chat, or how many offline messages your visitors are sending you. The Olark and Google Analytics integration also enables you to see how many messages were initiated by your team vs. your visitors, and how many messages were initiated by Automated Chat rules.
How Olark Live Chat works with Google Analytics
Step 1
Paste your Google Analytics code into each web page you’d like to track events on.

Integration setup
Here's a how-to guide for connecting Olark and Google Analytics.
Integration guideStill have questions?
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Make your business human with Live Chat
If your small business needs a simple, powerful website chat widget, then Olark is right for you. It only takes minutes to add our intuitive live chat software to your website. Once installed, Olark makes it easy to talk more customers on your website in a human way, which has been shown to increase sales, increase average purchase size, and improve customer satisfaction.
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